We all seek to maintain control over our careers. Organizational restructuring efforts, change initiatives, strained manager relationships, and unrealistic performance goals can challenge your sense of control and value. You don't want to be fired, downsized, or let go. As uncertainty in the job increases and stress levels skyrocket, your job security becomes of paramount concern.
Your health, well-being, and future career success depends heavily on how you frame, interpret, and navigate these tumultuous periods.
Your spouse or partner, while likely supportive and helpful, can't provide objective, actionable advice. They are too close to the situation and don't fully appreciate the complexity of the situation.
If you are like most professionals, you are unlikely to share your concerns with work colleagues as you don't want to become the focus of "water cooler" discussions. Your pride may also get in the way of opening up to others.
If you are fortunate, you have a handful of close friends with the experience and perspective necessary to provide meaningful input to your predicament. Friends are likely very supportive but do not want to pry or get too involved. If they are involved, they offer very "black and white" interpretations of your situation and non-threatening advice. Rarely do they share input or observations that might put your relationship at risk. Specifically, they are very reluctant to explore your personal contributions to the current predicament.
You realize that keeping a lid on things is impossible and that you shouldn't just wait things out. You recognize that hope is not a strategy and that you need to take personal accountability for correcting the situation. You are keenly aware that you need help but do not know where to turn for unbiased, constructive input and guidance — that's where we come in.
We provide executive coaching to help professionals navigate personal and organizational factors to regain control over their careers.